1 min read

CSS Resources From Around the Web

This is a collection of some handy snippets and resources I collected which I'm going to be documenting here, it's probably going to be a mess but it mainly for my reference.

Big thanks to Steve Schoger and Adam Wathan 🙏

Check out Refactoring UI and the Refactoring UI YouTube channel for more hot tips 🔥


From Adam Wathan:

Ever run into annoying CSS layout bugs that are hard to troubleshoot? (WHY IS THERE A HORIZONTAL SCROLLBAR WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM?!?)

Throw this style into your dev tools to see the boundaries of every element without affecting the layout:

1* {
2 outline: 1px solid red !important;


From Steve Schoger:

Working with images that clash with each other? Try desaturating them to greyscale or colourising them all with a single colour to make them a little more cohesive.

desaturating images

Also, containing photos in circles - Great way to make a bad photo look good

circle images


There is a lot of content out there for this but I have found some quite nice ones.

Gradient maker: cssgradient.io/gradient-backgrounds

Nice Gradient Swatches: gradientmagic.com

Animated gradients, via Chris Biscardi, example: animated gradients Codesandbox


Colour contrast picker, this will give you a selection of colours with a 4.5:1 ratio: tanaguru contrast finder

Leet speak and colours: bada55.io

For getting shades of a colour I lke to use 0to255 : 0to255.com

Colour Space has a nice UI for creating colour pallets: mycolor.space

Adobe Colour Wheel has good presets for picking colour pallets: color.adobe.com

Automatic UI Colour Palette Generator: palx.jxnblk.com

Name a colour from hex: color-hex.com

Hello Colour: jxnblk.com/hello-color

Beautiful colour scales Colour Box: colorbox.io

Colour Scale: hihayk.github.io/scale

React colour tools: react-color-tools.surge.sh

Internal browser colour names

I've asked this question a couple of times before, "is there a way to list the internal browser colours?"

The last time I asked Mathias Bynens answered!

If you want the list go to the the CSS3 spec and run this snippet in the dev console:

2 ...document.querySelectorAll(
3 '.named-color-table [id^="valdef-color-"]'
4 ),
5].map(element => element.textContent)


Neumorphism.io is a cool tool for generating your neumorphism boxes: neumorphism.io


Glitch Text Effect: css-tricks.com/glitch-effect-text-images-svg

Fancy Border Radius: 9elements.github.io/fancy-border-radius

Numbers in CSS

Width for elements changing when using numbers? Check: font-variant-numeric

I asked and the community of course responded!

I also found the original tweet I saw from Wes Bos back in 2017!

CSS Grid

CSS Grid has a good UI for building CSS Grid Layouts: layoutit.com/build

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1 min read

CSS Resources From Around the Web

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